Respondus is your proctoring solution!
If you have exams that need to be proctored, please be prepared to use Respondus. You are allowed to access Respondus on any computer/laptop or MacBook. You can check with your instructor about using an iPad. Chromebooks will not work at this time. Don't have a computer? Check with MSC Academic Resource Center. You must have a webcam for the Respondus system.
Thank you and best wishes for great grades this semester,
Murray State College licenses LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor. These applications are used to deter cheating during online exams.
LockDown Browser prevents students from printing, copying, going to different URLs or accessing other applications during an online exam. It’s ideal for use in testing centers and proctored environments.
Respondus Monitor enhances LockDown Browser by using a student’s webcam to record the assessment session. This enables online exams to be taken in non-proctored environments and deters students from accessing other resources during an exam (such as a phone, a second computer, etc.). It also ensures the right student is taking the exam, and that the student isn’t getting help from others.
Downloading Respondus
If you are required to take a test using Respondus LockDown Browser, here is what you need to know!
- Respondus LockDown Browser is an Internet browser, just like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, or Mozzilla FireFox. It is a free download. To download it, open any internet browser and paste this URL into the address bar:
(You MUST use THIS exact URL, or you will download a version of the Browser intended for a different school and will not have access to your courses! You will select Northeastern State University. We are in a consortium with NSU to utilize Respondus, which causes their school name to appear) This link is also available on Blackboard. Click on Institutions and scroll down until you see "Respondus Lockdown". Click on the blue link provided.
- At this website, you will see a video and an “Install Now” button. Watch the video before installing!
- Click the “Install Now” button and install the browser.
- Depending on the browser you use to download, the file may go to the bottom left of the window or to an arrow at the top right. Locate and click on the file.
- On a PC, you will run through a series of commands such as: Run>Yes>Next>I Accept, Next>Finish (Read the information before progressing through each dialog box!)
- On a Mac, you will run through a series of commands such as Continue>Continue>Agree>Install>[password] (Read the information before progressing through each dialog box!)
- Now, click the large button on the Respondus site that says, “Finish.”
- If you are using a PC, it is likely that you will have Respondus on your desktop at this point. If you do not, use the search box in the start window to find it. If you are using a Mac, you will probably have to open it from Finder.
- When you open the browser, you will be asked to either shut down certain programs yourself or allow the browser to do it for you. Either option is fine. No screen capture, print, or messaging capabilities will be allowed to run while the browser is open.
- You will be taken directly to You will sign in with your username and password as normal and navigate within BlackBoard as always. You may notice that there is no address bar at the top. You will not be able to go anywhere on the Internet except for
If you will also be using Respondus Monitor, here is what you need to know!
- You will need a webcam on the computer you use. If your instructor requires an environment check, you will need an external webcam. Otherwise, the built-in camera is fine.
- Respondus will ask permission to access your webcam before continuing. You must allow. Respondus will ensure that the webcam is working properly before proceeding.
- Your webcam will take a still photo of you, and then require you to show your student ID (Or another photo ID approved by your instructor). This is to verify that you are the person enrolled in the course.
- The instructor has the ability to change instructions and requirements, so the instructions may be different for different exams. Therefore, it is very important that you read ALL the instructions provided.
- The webcam will record both images and audio while you take the exam. Your instructor will be given a series of thumbnails to review for any suspicious behavior. If anything out of the ordinary occurs during the exam, such as someone walking into the room, you should simply explain what happened and continue your test.
Respondus Resources for Students
Respondus offers cloud-based solutions to curb academic dishonesty during online assessments.
Respondus provides direct, 24/7 technical support (via live chat) at:
How to Use Respondus
Student Resources
Student Quick Start Guide
Overview Video for Students
Respondus Technical Support and Knowledge Base - students having technical problems with Respondus Monitor can initiate a live chat with Respondus Support. This 24/7 service is available within Respondus Monitor and is accessed from “Help Center” and the “It’s Not Working” links that appear in the pre-exam startup steps.
If you are having Repondus issues or it will not work for your computer, please visit the MSC Testing Center webpage for contact information.
Instructor Resources
Respondus Set Up Training Video
Creating a practice exam - You can also set up practice exams for students to prepare, which can be very helpful.
Understanding Proctoring Results