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Current Students

Student Computer Accounts

Your username and password are provided to you when you register. If you're unsure what your username and/or password are, please contact the IT Department at 580-387-7160.

Some common problems:

If you have an apostrophe ( ' ) in your last name, leave it out.

If you have a hyphen ( - ) in your last name, leave it out.

If you have a space ( ) in your last name, leave it out.

MSC recommends that you change your password.

  • After logging on to a campus computer press control, alt, delete and select change password.

  • Changing your password on the computer changes it for computer login, email and Blackboard.

Your student Home Directory is located either under "My Computer" as O:\ or by using the "My Documents" folder.

Each student is allocated 50 MB of space. More can be allocated on an individual basis if needed. You must contact Computer Services in person to request more space.

Passwords can be reset in person only at the IT Department Help Desk. A current Murray State College Student ID will be required.

Ardmore Higher Education students can contact the MSC office in Ardmore. They can contact the IT Department on your behalf.


Email | MSC Acceptable Use Policy (PDF) | MSC Student Handbook (PDF)