Students: Your BlackBoard username and password are the same as you use to log on to MSC's computers.
To access Blackboard, use the "Blackboard" link at the top of the website.
PLEASE NOTE: Blackboard courses typically become available one week before classes start. If you don't see your Blackboard course, please contact the instructor first to ensure the instructor has made it available.
Need Assistance with Blackboard?
Submit an Information Technology Help Request Ticket
For the subject/title, please identify the exact problem; in the description area, include as much detail as possible to help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible. Please include your name and an email address and/or phone number where we can reach you.
You can also check the status of previous requests as well as log new ones or look at solutions to previous requests.
Or Call Distance Learning at (580) 387-7113; or the Information Technology Department at (580) 387-7160
The following downloads may be necessary on your personal computer for your course:
You do not need to download anything if you are on a MSC computer.
Apple Quicktime (Download the free player)