Information Technology
Our Mission: The IT Department seeks to implement innovative and productive technological tools and resources to support the entire College environment.
Location: Administration Building, Suite 118
Telephone: (580) 387-7160
IT Portal:
IT Summer hours: Monday-Thursday 8:00am-5:00pm through July 27th
IT Department Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00am-5:00pm
Need IT Support?
Click the button below to go to the IT portal. Please include as much detail as possible when submitting a ticket to help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible.
Students, Staff, and Faculty:
This link takes you to the Microsoft website.
You'll need to use your MSC email address to register!
Then follow instructions to create a password and get started downloading/installing Microsoft Office.
Use Agreements
Student Acceptable Use Agreement (PDF)
Employee Acceptable Use Agreement (PDF)
Computer Security Tips
Lock It When You Leave
It takes only a few seconds to secure your computer and help protect it from unauthorized access. Lock down your computer every time you leave your desk.
Hold down the Windows Key and press the L key to lock it
Set up a screensaver that will lock your computer after a pre-set amount of time and require a password to log back in
Choose a strong password. A good password should always include upper and lowercase letters, numbers and at least 1 special character. Do not set the option that allows a computer to remember any password.
Do not engage in inappropriate conduct, such as cyberbullying, cyberstalking or rude and offensive behavior.
Do not do something in cyberspace that you would consider wrong or illegal in everyday life.
Do not impersonate someone else. It is wrong to create sites, pages or posts that seem to come from someone else.
Adhere to copyright restrictions when downloading material from the Internet.
Do not use someone else's password or other identifying information.
Recognize Cyber Traps
Always think before you click on links or images in an email, instant message or on web sites. Be cautious when you receive an attachment from unknown sources. Even if you know and trust the sender or the website, it is still prudent to use caution when navigating pages and clicking on links or images.
Do not reply to emails that ask you do "verify your information" or to "confirm your user-id and password."
Be sure to read the privacy statement on websites you are visiting prior to providing any personal information, to understand that entity's policy regarding protection of data.
Periodically check your Internet browser settings (e.g. Security and Privacy) to ensure that the settings are adequate for your level and type of Internet activity.
Review credit card and bank account statements as soon as you receive them to check for unauthorized charges.
Protect Data on Portable Devices
Ask yourself "Is it really necessary that I transport this sensitive information?" If the answer is no, then do not copy the information.
Encrypt files of the full disk. By encrypting files or using disk encryption, you reduce the risk of unauthorized individuals viewing sensitive data.
Use strong passwords on all your devices such as a minimum of 8 characters and a mix of special symbols, letters and numbers. Never use the same password for multiple devices or accounts.
Be sure all critical information is backed up. Portable devices should not be the only place important information is stored.
Store your portable devices securely. When not in use, store portable devices out of sight and whenever possible in a locked drawer or file cabinet.