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Current Students

Clubs and Organizations

Student organizations at Murray State College vary slightly from year to year in accordance with changes in student needs and interests. Some organizations are primarily social, whereas others are academic, professional, or service in nature. The Student Government is the chartering body for new organizations.

Student Government Association

The Student Body of Murray State College each year elects Student Government Association (SGA) Executive Officers as representatives in college affairs. SGA is composed of a President, Vice President, Associate Vice President of MSC-Ardmore, Secretary, Treasurer and Director of Media Relations. These officers are elected from the student body at large. During the first meeting of the fall semester a special election will be called to elect a Freshman Class Representative. All officers and representatives of SGA are required to maintain good standing in order to continue representing the organization and the college. Violation of College policies or civil or criminal law may result in removal from office at the discretion of the Director of Student Affairs after consultation with the Student Government Executive Committee. The Student Government is empowered to recommend any rules considered necessary for the betterment of the College, to grant charters to clubs and organizations who wish to become officially recognized, and to sponsor and supervise many extracurricular activities of the College. For more information call 580-387-7139!

Club/Organization Advisor Requirements (docx)

Open Clubs & Organizations

Characters Club

The Characters Club is open to anyone who is interested in acting and any other aspect of theater related to the stage (stage crafting, set design, etc.). Upon meeting certain goals, members of the Characters Club may be eligible to join Delta Psi Omega, a national fraternity for those interested in Theater. For more information contact Susan Yeager at

Child Development Club

The Child Development Club is open to Child Development majors at MSC and MSC students who are interested in child development. For more information contact Amy McCain at or 580-387-7411.

Collegiate FFA Association

The Collegiate FFA is open to all Agriculture majors at MSC and those interested in agriculture and leadership. Collegiate FFA works livestock shows and helps with surrounding FFA events, among many other activities that benefit the community. For more information contact Blaine Red at or 580-387-7402 or Brian Cothran at or 580-387-7403.

Judging Team Organization

The Judging Team Organization is open to all students who have an interest in livestock judging and agricultural subjects. The Judging Team works many livestock shows regionally and nationally and provides a number of generous scholarship opportunities and great experiences for students in this organization. For more information contact Blaine Red at

MSC Alumni Association

The mission of the Aggie Alumni Association is to promote a lifelong relationship between MSC graduates and friends. Its purpose is to engage alumni, students and friends in programs, events and services.The Association's goals are to serve, support, involve and inform. For more information contact Jordyn Frazier at 580-387-7142 or


The purpose of Native is to provide opportunities for students of MSC to develop a greater understanding and appreciation for traditional Native American culture and modern issues experienced by Native American students. This organization will have an impact on all MSC students. This organization will play an active role in the MSC community. The students in this organization will help celebrate Native American culture and build cohesive student centered activities. Native will work to promote a sense of civic and personal responsibility to both Native American and non-Native American students. Members will work together with Tribes, organizations and community to build cultural and civic understanding and responsibility. The specific goal of Native is the preservation of Native American culture through the education of students, faculty and the community, in order to preserve our history and build a better future for all involved. 


NICHE was created to foster interaction between students, faculty, professionals and the community by providing opportunities for students of MSC to gain experience and knowledge through volunteering as well as to have fun and to make new friends. NICHE helps to educate students and community about environmental concerns, the importance of volunteering and education concerning protecting wildlife. For more information contact Michele Quinton at or Dan Moore at

Phi Beta Lambda (PBL)

Phi Beta Lambda is a national association of nearly 12,000 students interested in becoming more successful in the business world. Students are given opportunities to interact with area business leaders and to test their business skills in state and national competitions. The MSC chapter reactivated its charter in 2008. Local chapter activities include regularly scheduled meetings, business tours, social activities and study sessions to prepare for competitions. Any student interested in a business or business related field is welcome to join. 

Pi Society

The Pi Society is open to all students at MSC who have an interest in Math. For more information contact 580-387-7493.

Science Club

The Science Club is geared towards Science majors at Murray State College but will be open to any student with an interest in subjects related to Science. For more information contact Wes Reddish at or (580)387-7502 or Lisa Atwood at

Student Veterans Association

The purpose of this organization is to provide a support network for veteran students, spouses and dependents of veterans and to assist other veteran related groups and programs in our communities. Membership Requirements: Active – Must be a Veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States, or a dependent of a Veteran that may or may not be utilizing Veteran benefits towards education.Inactive – Prior active standing, meeting the minimum requirements and who Prior active standing, meeting the minimum requirements and who is currently deployed, or is not enrolled in the minimum units required (Unless he/she is a graduating senior). Alumni – Must be MSC Alumni: who is either a Veteran or a dependent of a Veteran of the Armed Forces of the United States who utilized Veteran benefits for schooling. Honorary - Honorary membership is available for MSC students who are NOT Veterans, but still would like to support and be a part of SVA. 

Team Roping Club

The Team Roping Club at Murray State College allows students to participate in all collegiate rodeo events. Members of the club have the opportunity to use the college arena and facilities. Currently, there are team ropers, calf ropers, barrel racers, and break away ropers on the MSC Team Roping Club. For more information contact Todd Smith at

TRIBAL (Today's Role in Becoming America's Leaders)

TRIBAL is a Native American student organization at Murray State College; however, students do not have to be Native American to be a member. The organization is open to anyone interested in learning about and educating the public about Native American culture, both past and present and is located on the Ardmore Campus. Membership is $10.00 for the Fall/Spring semesters. For more information on TRIBAL, contact Don Loving at

Invitation Only Clubs & Organizations

Association of Veterinary Technicians

All students enrolled in veterinary technology courses are eligible for membership in the association. Leadership is vitally important for any profession. This association allows students to experience the responsibilities that go along with being a member of a professional organization such as holding an elected office, following a constitution, conducting meetings, adhering to Roberts Rule of Order, promoting continuing education and community services in the field of Veterinary Technology. Involvement in these activities while in school fosters the development of leaders within the profession. Students are encouraged to become members of the Oklahoma Veterinary Technicians Association. For more information contact  Laura Sandmann at or 580-387-7522.

Gunsmithing Club

The Gunsmithing Club is open to all students who are Gunsmith majors at MSC. The Gunsmithing Club has a number of fundraisers and makes trips to NRA and gun maker conventions as well, allowing for excellent professional experiences for students. For more information contact Chad Mercer at 580.387.7482 or

Nurses Alumni Association

All graduates of the nursing program are members of the association. The purposes of the association are to stimulate continuing education and to foster continued communication among the graduates and with the nursing program. For more information contact DeAnn Priddy at

Occupational Therapy Assistant (OTA) Student Association

All students enrolled in the second year OTA Program are eligible for membership in the association. The purpose of the organization is to help prepare the OTA student for active participation in the professional associations, American Occupational Therapy Association and the Oklahoma Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA/OOTA), upon graduation. For more information contact Tanya Bearden at or 580-387-7440.

Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)

Phi Theta Kappa is the National Honor Society for junior colleges. To become a member of Phi Theta Kappa a student must meet the following standards: 1) Have completed no fewer than 15 semester hours of course work and not more than 59 hours at the time initiated, 2) Be enrolled in at least 15 hours the semester during which initiation takes place, unless 45 hours have been completed, in which case admittance can be attained with enrollment of fewer than 15 hours, 3) Have a grade point average of 3.5 or above. Final selection for membership in the organization is made by a faculty committee and is based not only on the scholastic requirement but also on qualities of character and leadership. Invitations to join are extended once during the fall semester and once during the spring semester each year. For more information contact Lindsay Brantley at

Physical Therapist Assistant (PTA) Student Association

All students enrolled in the 2nd year of the PTA program are eligible for membership in the association. The purpose of the organization is to help prepare the student for active participation in the in the following professional associations after graduation: American Physical Therapy Assistant (APTA) and the Oklahoma Physical Therapy Assistant (OPTA). For more information contact Debbie Paul at or 580-387-7444 or Gary Robinson at or 580-387-7441.

President’s Scholars Program (PSP)

The President’s Scholars Program (PSP) is designed to offer an enriching personal, cultural, and academic experience to outstanding students here at Murray State College. The program includes bi-weekly seminars, an educational field trip in the fall semester, and individual research projects carried out under the supervision of MSC faculty. The multidisciplinary learning encompasses science, philosophy, art, culture, social and political issues. Guest speakers, films, debates, and panel discussions enliven the seminars. The cultural and educational field trips are always organized to be fun and to allow the students to expand their cultural horizons. Participants in PSP receive an excellent scholarship package each semester.

Student Chapter of National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America

National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) is a national association for veterinary technicians. Murray State College veterinary technology holds a student chapter membership which provides an individual membership for each veterinary technology student. Membership enables students to experience the responsibilities that go along with being members of a national professional organization and allows them the opportunity to further develop an understanding of the profession beyond Oklahoma by providing a network with other veterinary technology students throughout the United States and other countries. For more information contact Laura Sandmann at or 580-387-7522.

Student Nurses Association

All students enrolled in nursing courses are eligible for membership in the association, which is a constituent of the Oklahoma Nursing Student Association. The purpose of the organization is to help prepare the student for assumption of professional responsibilities. For more information contact DeAnn Priddy at

Veterinary Technology Alumni Association

Graduates of the Veterinary Technology program are members who, as role models, promote Veterinary Technology career enrichment projects. For more information contact Laura Sandmann at or 580-387-7522.

General Information for All Student Clubs & Organizations:

All student organizations are required to operate under constitutions which conform to the educational objectives and regulations of the College. Any funds collected by student organizations must be deposited with and dispensed through the College Business Office. An accounting of all monies must be made to the Business Office according to accepted audit standards. Failure to observe College fiscal or activity policies may result in probation or suspension of a club or organization. If interested in starting a new Club or Organization at MSC, please complete the following four documents and return to the Student Life Office: Application (PDF), Charter (docx), Constitution (docx), and Strategic Plan (docx).

Any student organization sponsoring an activity (on or off campus) must file an "Activity/Fundraising Form" with the Executive Director of Student Affairs at least five (5) days prior to the event. This form can be found at It is recommended that all events be placed on the event calendar to aid in total campus community planning of activities. (Director of Student Affairs Office, 580-387-7139).