Live on campus! Meet your fellow students, stay involved with campus activities and experience the true college days with MSC residential life. Murray State offers a variety of independent living arrangements, such as, the apartment-style housing known as the Aggie Suites; the dorm-style housing known as McKee Hall; the shared living apartments known as the West-Side Apartments; the off-campus single occupancy housing known as the Aggie Flats.
Each Aggie Suite includes five bedrooms and two bathrooms. McKee Hall is the all male dorm-style living that includes two desks/armoires and a shared mini-fridge and a shared floor bathroom. Patton Hall is similar to the Aggie Suites but, students share a bedroom and one bathroom. The Aggie Flats include one bedroom one bath living option. All Resident Housing facilities are equipped with WiFi.
For more information regarding residential life, contact the Director of Resident Life at (580) 387-7135.
2020 Census Report-January-April
Extended Stay Housing Form (PDF)
ESA Information (Aggie Suites)
Housing Accommodation Request Form (PDF)
Student Housing Exemption Form (PDF)
What to Bring and What Not to Bring (PDF)