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Current Students

The College is committed to creating and maintaining a community where all persons who participate in College programs and activities can work and learn together in an atmosphere free from sex discrimination, including sexual misconduct. The College also has an obligation to respond appropriately to those reports in order to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment. This form is for reporting alleged violations of the College's Sexual Misconduct, Discrimination, and Harassment Policy to the Title IX Office. This form is not to be used for an urgent or emergency situation. If this is an emergency or if you would like to initiate a criminal complaint, call MSC PD at 580.371.1140 or local law enforcement as soon as possible. If you need immediate law enforcement assistance, call the local police department at 9-1-1.

Anyone can submit a report using this form, including Mandatory Reporters. All Mandatory Reporters are required to include their name and contact information, and cannot withhold any known, relevant information. Others may submit this form without providing names or contact information; however, the College’s ability to take action may be limited. Nonetheless, a number of resources are still available. 

Becky Henthorn
VP for Academic Affairs and Institutional Effectiveness

Student/Community Issue and Concern, Title IX and Discrimination Reporting Form, and additional forms

Submit an Online Report below or in person to the above:

Crime Reporting Form (Clery)

Campus Security Authority Training (Video)

CSA Training

The Clery Act
The Clery Act imposes a duty to report incidents of murder/non-negligent manslaughter, negligent manslaughter, sex offenses (forcible and non-forcible), robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, motor vehicle theft, arson, liquor law violations, drug abuse violations and weapons (illegally carrying and possessing), dating violence, stalking, hate crimes which occur on campus, in or on non-campus buildings or property owned or controlled by our institution, and public property within or immediately adjacent to our campus.   You must report this as a statistic to the MSC Campus Police at (580) 371-1140

Any complaints or inquiries regarding sexual harassment of a student by an employee or other student should be brought to the immediate attention of Campus Police or the Title IX Coordinator/Vice President for Student Affairs.   The college will investigate such claims promptly and thoroughly. If, for any reason, a student wishes to complain or inquire regarding sexual harassment, but feels it would not be appropriate to raise such issues with the Campus Police or the Title IX Coordinator/Vice President for Student Affairs, the student may inquire or complain to The Director of Resident Life as a designated Campus Security Authorities (CSA), and such inquiries or complaints will receive a prompt and thorough investigation. If harassment is established, the college will discipline the offender. Disciplinary action for violations of this policy can range from verbal or written warnings, up to and including immediate termination from employment or dismissal from the college for serious or repeated violations. When the college addresses these matters, even if it occurred off-campus, it must do so using procedures that comply with Title IX guidelines. [Clery Act ASR Compliance with VAWA-Violence Against Women Act Section 304 Reauthorization section known as the Campus SaVE Act.] 

Safe Colleges Training (Students)

To further advance our students beyond the classroom, MSC has partnered with Safe Colleges, whose mission is to help students address critical life skills such as alcohol abuse prevention, sexual assault prevention, and financial literacy, in high schools and higher education institutions across the country.

All Murray State College students are required to complete SafeColleges Training. These online courses will help you develop the critical skills to make more thoughtful and educated choices outside the classroom; and help you learn about healthy relationships, the importance of consent and being a good communicator, and the many ways you can help create a safe, positive campus you want to be a part of. Our hope is that with these skills you will find greater success both here at MSC and well beyond your graduation.

Please note that if you are a Concurrent student you are not required to do the training.

Click HERE for Safe Colleges Training Information