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Current Students

Safe Colleges Training (Students)

In an effort to further advance our students beyond the classroom, MSC has partnered with Safe Colleges, whose mission is to help students address critical life skills such as alcohol abuse prevention, sexual assault prevention and financial literacy, in high schools and higher education institutions across the country.

All Murray State College students are required to complete SafeColleges Training. These online courses will help you develop the critical skills to make more thoughtful and educated choices outside the classroom; and help you learn about healthy relationships, the importance of consent and being a good communicator, and the many ways you can help create the safe, positive campus you want to be a part of. Our hope is that with these skills you will find greater success both here at MSC and well beyond you graduate.

Please note that if you are a Concurrent student you are not required to do the training.

Login Instructions

  • Go to: Safe Colleges Login Page

  • Enter your username (first 4 of your last name and last 4 of your student ID)

    • Note: When prompted, please create a password. The Campus Save Act Course should be uploaded. If you do not see a course, please contact the MSC Registration Office at 580-387-7230 or at

Other Important Information:

  • You will need Internet access and audio capabilities.

  • To avoid technical issues, please use any major web browser (e.g., Firefox, Internet Explorer, Google Chrome) released within the previous two years.

  • You may take the course in multiple sittings.

  • The course may include surveys to help personalize your experience and measure students’ attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are confidential; the school will only receive information about the student body as a whole and will never see individual students’ answers.

  • Should you experience problems, technical support is available 24/7 and can be accessed from the “Help” link within the course.

    • PLEASE NOTE: This is an external system. The MSC IT Department will NOT be able to provide assistance with this course.