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Current Students

Murray State Collge COVID Response

With the safety of all in mind, we have developed a detailed plan to protect our Aggie Family. Our COVID-19 Task Force has been hard at work to address issues surrounding our return, but all of us must take responsibility for our personal health and safety. Please follow the recommended guidelines – or take them a step further if your personal comfort level requires – and join together with the entire campus community as we embrace the ideal of all-for-one and one-for all.

Click Here to view MSC's Campus COVID Plan for Spring 2022


- Are you feeling unwell? Do you know someone who is sick?

Please complete the MSC Illness Reporting Form to help contain the spread of COVID and COVID-like illness within the MSC community. 

- MSC's COVID plan has been updated and is accessible here MSC's COVID Plan for Spring. These procedures have been implemented to help protect our campus community and will be in place until further notice.  


COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment Information can be found at the portal hosted by the Oklahoma State Department of Health. Access it at


CARES Act Reporting

Murray State College received CARES Act funds to be distributed directly to eligible students.

UPDATE (12/31/2023) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

UPDATE (9/30/2023) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

UPDATE (6/30/2023) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

(REVISED) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting 

UPDATE (3/31/2023) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

(REVISED) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting 

UPDATE (12/31/2022) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

(REVISED) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting 

UPDATE (9/30/2022) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

(REVISED)Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting 

UPDATE (9/30/2022) Student Portion CARES Report 

UPDATE (6/30/2022) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

(REVISED) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting 

UPDATE (6/30/2022) Student Portion CARES Report 

UPDATE (3/31/2022) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting

(REVISED)Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting 

UPDATE (3/31/2022) Student Portion CARES Report 

UPDATE (12/31/2021) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting
UPDATE (12/31/2021) Student Portion CARES Report

UPDATE (9/30/2021) Quarterly Budget and Expenditure Reporting
UPDATE (9/30/2021) Student Portion CARES Report 

UPDATE (6/30/2021) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Reporting
UPDATE (3/31/2021) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Reporting

UPDATE (12/31/2020) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Reporting
UPDATE (9/30/2020) Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund Reporting


Additional Information about Coronavirus

Oklahoma Higher Ed State System -Corona

Okla. Department of Health -COVID-19 in Oklahoma

U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

COVID-19 vs. Flu

OK State Travel advisories