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Current Students

Veteran's Educational Benefits

Admission Requirements:

  1. Submit completed online admission application.
  2. Submit the following documents to the Registrar & Admissions Office:
    • Copy of high school transcript
    • Copy of immunization records
    • ACT scores
    • Official transcripts from all previous colleges (school and military)
  3. Submit the Veteran Intake Sheet.

Veteran’s Responsibilities:

Contact the VA Office in Muskogee to sign up for benefits and obtain a Certificate of Eligibility.

Regional Office, Veteran’s Administration
P.O. Box 8888
Muskogee, OK 74402-8888
Toll-free Phone: (800) 827-1000

About GI Bill ® benefits

  1. Submit a copy of your Certificate of Eligibility to the MSC Registrar Office. We cannot certify you without this form.

  2. Veterans should submit a copy of their DD214 to the Registrar Office. Once the Veteran has completed 12 credit hours at MSC, the Registrar will give the veteran 3 hours of credit for the Personal Health course.

  3. Veterans are encouraged to enroll early in courses so that we may certify them in a timely manner. Early certifications have the tuition and fees set to zero. Adjustments are made to actual tuition and fees after census date which is the 10th class day of fall and spring and the fifth class day for summer.

  4. Veterans must notify the MSC Registrar when making changes to their enrollment or when changing majors.  Adding classes will require the Registrar to make adjustments to the amount certified. Dropping courses will affect the Veteran’s pay and create a debt. Veterans must repay any debts.

  5. Veterans are strongly encouraged to take advantage of tutors and other resources to ensure academic success. At the end of the term the following grades will be investigated and reported to the VA regional office: AW’s, W’s, I’s and N’s.

  6. Students may not duplicate reimbursement by both Tuition Assistance and VA benefits for the same exact course.

  7. Students receiving veteran’s benefits should plan ahead financially because VA monthly housing benefits will start a month after classes begin and payments will be prorated to the number of days attended in that month. Students will be required to purchase any supplies or textbooks required and should financially plan for this as well. Book stipends will also take at least a month after classes begin. Only students with federal aid that exceeds tuition and fees are permitted by MSC to charge books at the MSC Bookstore.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Tuition Waivers:

  1. National Guard Tuition Waiver – The National Guard provides a list of eligible recipients to the Financial Aid Office. If eligible for the waiver, the Financial Aid Office awards the tuition waiver and the Business Office applies it to the veteran’s account.

  2. Non-resident tuition waiver – for those veterans who do not qualify for in-state tuition, a non-resident waiver is automatically awarded by the Financial Aid Office and applied to the student account. This is only a partial waiver of the non-resident tuition.

Vocational Rehabilitation:

The State Board of Education, through the Vocational Rehabilitation Division, offers payment of tuition and other services to veterans who qualify. Application for vocational rehabilitation should be sent to:

Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
3535 NW 58th Street, Suite 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73112
(800) 845-8476

VA Benefits Process:

  1. VA processing and issuance of the first benefits check takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks from the first day of school.

  2. The starting date for the payment period of the first benefit check is the date when the first tem of attendance begins.

  3. Students will obtain official degree plans from their academic advisors.

  4. VA will pay benefits for only those courses required for degree completion as shown on official degree plans.

  5. Students receiving veteran’s benefits must satisfy MSC’s regular standards for academic progress and must comply with class attendance requirements as defined by individual Instructors.

Contact Information:

Darrell Riley
VA Certifying Official

Phone: 580-387-7233   Fax: 580-387-7239