What is Reverse Transfer?
Many students enroll at community colleges and transfer courses from the community college to a university toward a bachelor’s degree. Reversing this process and transferring courses from the university back to the community college, is called reverse transfer. Students who transfer to a university before completing an associate degree and who have earned at least 15 credit hours from the community college may benefit from reverse transfer. The university courses that are transferred back to the community college may be used to fulfill degree requirements at both institutions. Therefore, students may earn the associate degree from the community college while attending the university.
If you believe that you are eligible then fill out the Reverse Transfer Application (PDF) for Murray State College and submit it to our office using the information listed at the top of the form. Make sure to contact all the other colleges that you have attended and have official transcripts sent to Murray State College.
We are pleased to provide this service to you at NO charge and will send you one official transcript after your degree has been conferred.
If you have any questions, please contact us at 580-387-7230.