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Prior Learning Credit Policy

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Prior Learning Assessment is defined as learning that is attained outside the sponsorship of legally authorized and accredited postsecondary institutions. It applies to learning acquired from work and life experiences, independent reading and study, the mass media and participation in formal courses sponsored by associations, businesses, government, industries, the military and unions.

Murray State College’s content specialists (which may include the Registrar, Program Chairs, Division Chairs, etc.) will evaluate a student’s previous learning experiences and award credit when deemed applicable to the MSC degree. Some examples of prior learning are institutional approval of industry certifications for courses taken at technology centers through a Prior Learning Agreement, standardized national tests such as the subject portion of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement Program (AP), and military experience.

To receive PLA credit, students should contact the MSC Registrar & Admissions Office to begin the process. The following will apply:

  • Students must be eligible to enroll or re-enroll at Murray State College. Students must have submitted all official college transcripts (school and military) to the MSC Registrar & Admissions Office.

  • Students must submit all required documentation needed to assess prior learning. The evaluation process may take several weeks and will be evaluated on a course by course basis.

  • Students must successfully complete 12 or more semester hours at MSC before PLA credits will be placed on the MSC transcript. The hours at Murray State College must be regular courses – may not include transitional, activity, and other courses not for college credit. If the student does not have 12 MSC hours completed at the time PLA credits are evaluated, the student must notify the MSC Registrar Office upon completion of the 12 hours.

  • Murray State College will only award credit for coursework that falls under the student’s selected major at Murray State College. Prior learning credit will only be awarded in those academic disciplines and in courses in the college’s approved curriculum. Credits from prior learning may be awarded up to a maximum of 25 percent of the degree program which is typically 15 credit hours.

  • Students will be assessed a supplemental off campus fee up to $125 per credit hour to cover the cost of evaluating and transcribing PLA credits. Credits awarded through PLA Agreements, military experience, CLEP, and AP will generally be assessed at $10 per credit hour plus the cost of any exams. Evaluations of portfolios and other types of prior learning may require more time and cost to evaluate. Fees must be paid to the MSC Business Office prior to the evaluation of the credits.

  • After determining the amount of PLA credit that can be awarded, PLA credits will be placed on the MSC transcript with the neutral grade of pass (P). PLA credits may not be put on the transcript with letter grades.

Murray State College will evaluate prior learning credits on a course by course basis. The following publications and methods are acceptable for validating prior learning credits:

  • American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Forces

  • ACE National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs

  • ACE Guide to Credit by Examinations

  • New York Regents Credit Recommendations: The Directory of the National Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI)

  • College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program (CEEB/AP)

    • Degree-relevant prior learning credit awarded and transcripted by other accredited institutions, as well as credit transcripted by ACE on the Army/ACE Registry Transcript System (AARTS) and the Registry of Credit Recommendations (ROCR). Approved state and national certifications with minimum pass scores as outlined in approved Prior Learning Agreements such as our Medical Office Assistant Agreement with SOTC and our Nursing Career Mobility Pathway (Licensed Paramedics, LPNS, LVNS to RN)

    • Individual portfolios using Council for Adult and Experimental Learning (CAEL) or other standardized guidelines

    • “Higher Level” courses in the International Baccalaureate program

    • Institutionally prepared examination

    • Other publications as recommended by the American Council on Education

CLEP Exams

Murray State College will award credit for CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exams taken at a national testing center (refer to the table below). Southeastern Oklahoma State University is the national CLEP center for southern Oklahoma. Students are responsible for arranging for a test date.  For more information, students can contact the Southeastern testing center at 580-745-3022.

CLEP Course Equivalencies
Subject Examination MSC Course Equivalence Minimum Score Number of Credit Hours
Calculus with Elem Functions MTH2215 61 5
College Algebra MTH1513 52 3
College Mathematics MTH1413 55 3
College Spanish I SPA1114 & SPA1214 55 8
English Comp with Essay ENG1113 50 3
Financial Accounting ACC2103 55 3
General Biology BIO1114, ZOO1114 or BOT1114 60 4
General Chemistry CHM1114 & CHM1214 50 8
Intro Psychology PSY1113 50 3
Intro Sociology SOC1113 50 3
Principles of Macroeconomics ECO2113 50 3
Principles of Microeconomics ECO2123 50 3

Credit for Advanced Placement

As listed in the table below, Murray State College will award credit for the Advanced Placement (AP) program for high school students. Advanced Placement courses allow students to take college-level course work in high school and receive credit from Oklahoma state colleges and universities. For more information on Advanced Placement, visit the College Board website.

AP Course Equivalencies
Subject Examination MSC Course Equivalence Minimum Score Number of Credit Hours
Art History ART1113 3 3
Biology BIO1114 3 4
Calculus AB MTH2215 3 5
Calculus BC MTH2315 3 5
Calculus BC MTH2215 & MTH2315 4 10
Chemistry CHM1114 3 4
Computer Science A CS1313 3 3
English Language ENG1113 3 3
English Literature ENG1213 3 3
English Literature ENG1113 & ENG1213 4 6
Government & Politics-US GVT1113 3 3
Human Geography GEO2443 3 3
Macroeconomics ECO2113 3 3
Microeconomics ECO2123 3 3
Music Theory MU1202 3 2
Physics B PHY1114 & PHY1214 3 8
Physics C – Electrical & Magnetism PSY1214 3 4
Physics C – Mechanics PHY1114 3 4
Psychology PSY1113 3 3
Spanish Language SPA1114 & SPA1214 3 8
Studio Art 2-D Design ART1123 3 3
Studio Art 3-D Design ART1133 3 3
Studio Art Drawing ART1213 3 3
US History HST1483 & HST1493 3 6
World History HST 1423 & HST1433 4 6

Military Transcripts and Transferring Credits for VA

Murray State College provides academic credit to a military veteran, who was honorably discharged in the previous three (3) years for any applicable education, training and experience received through military duty that pertains to his or her area of study with MSC. Courses must meet the standards of the American Council on Education or equivalent standards.

Students transferring to Murray State College are required to submit official transcripts (institutional and military) from all colleges previously attended.

A military transcript transfer guide will assist the veterans in understanding the process of transferring military training and experience into college credit. This guide provides information about transfer policies and issues, in order to help students better navigate the process of transferring military training and experience into college credit.