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Current Students

Admissions Policy

Murray State College is an open admission community college. Students must complete the MSC online admission application at to apply for admission to the college. Any student who does not maintain consecutive enrollment (fall /spring) must reapply for admission. Admissions information may be obtained in the Admissions and Registrar Office on the main campus in Tishomingo, MSC Ardmore, or on the MSC webpage.

Murray State College has developed this admissions policy to be in compliance with federal regulations, to comply with the requirements of the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, and to meet the needs of our students. The Admissions and Registrar Office and the Academic Affairs Office are responsible for this policy and its compliance. Our policies are available in the MSC Catalog and on our website.

Admission Categories

Transfer Students


Students transferring to MSC who are in good standing are eligible for admission to Murray State College. Students who have been placed on probation or suspension at the previous college will be admitted on probation and must maintain a 2.0 retention GPA each semester while enrolled at MSC or raise their retention GPA to the required academic standard. Students who fail to reach the academic requirements will be placed on academic suspension.

Transfer students are required to submit the following documents to the MSC Registrar & Admissions Office:

  • Completed online MSC Admission Application (

  • Official transcripts (school and military) from all colleges previously attended. Transcripts from other institutions must be obtained directly from the institution where they were originally issued and must be sent directly to Murray State College from each institution. Transcripts will only be accepted from students if they are in a sealed envelope from the other school.

  • Documentation of vaccinations against Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR).

  • National ACT or SAT scores or the results of the Accuplacer test administered by the MSC Testing Center.


Transfer students requiring remediation must enroll in the appropriate transitional courses during the first 12 hours enrolled at Murray State College. Academic support services are available to assist transfer students in achieving academic success.

Evaluation of Transfer Credit Earned

All coursework previously completed at a regionally accredited institution of higher education will be accepted as transfer credit, although not all credit will necessarily apply toward program requirements. Refer to the degree plans in the MSC Catalog to determine what courses will apply to specific degrees. Courses must be deemed equivalent to count toward the general education core and program cores. Course equivalencies are tables of courses that are transferable among Oklahoma public colleges as well as some private institutions.

Courses with grades of “D” may not meet degree requirements and some of the specialized programs may require students repeat coursework that is too out of date.

Credit and grades for courses from institutions not using a traditional semester academic calendar will be converted to semester hour credits.

An analysis of transfer credit will be performed for students who are currently admitted and enrolled and have submitted official transcripts from all colleges previously attended. Transcripts must be obtained directly from the institution where they were originally issued. If the transcript is in a language other than English, the transcript must be translated into English.

In some cases, Murray State College will evaluate transcripts from unaccredited colleges or coursework from accredited colleges that is not on the course equivalency tables. Students must contact the Registrar's Office to begin the evaluation process which may take several weeks. It is the student’s responsibility to furnish additional information such as course descriptions, catalogs, or syllabi with which to evaluate transfer credit which will be reviewed on a course by course basis and may be accepted in transfer when appropriate to the student’s MSC degree program.

Students who transfer from Murray State College to another institution should contact the other institution prior to transferring and determine what credits that college will accept. Each institution has their own transfer policies and evaluate what credits they will accept in transfer for their degree programs.

Prior Learning Assessment

Prior Learning Assessment is defined as learning that is attained outside of legally authorized and accredited institutions. Some examples of prior learning are credit for CLEP exams taken at a national testing center, credit for advanced placement, credit for Career Tech courses through Prior Learning Agreements, etc. For more information on prior learning, refer to the Prior Learning Assessment section of the MSC Catalog. Contact the Registrar & Admissions Office for more information on the evaluation of credit through prior learning. Transfer credits through Prior Learning Assessment may be accepted towards the MSC degree on a course by course basis not to exceed 25 percent of the program which is typically 15 credit hours.

High School Concurrent Students

To be eligible for concurrent enrollment, a high school Junior or Senior must:

  • Have participated in the National ACT program and scored a minimum composite of 19 or the equivalent on the SAT or have a high school non-weighted GPA of 3.0. Concurrent students may use one residual ACT per year for admission and course placement. They may also use the Pre-ACT. A composite score of 19 is required for the National, Residual, or Pre-ACT. When the concurrent student enrolls as a regular student following high school graduation, the student must have taken the National ACT to meet admission standards.

  • Have a minimum sub-score of 19 on the ACT or equivalent SAT before being allowed to enroll in a college level course in the subscore subject area. For example: 19 in the English National ACT sub-score to enroll in English courses; 19 in the Math National ACT sub-score to enroll in Math courses; 19 in the Science National ACT sub-score to enroll in Science courses; 19 in the Reading National ACT sub-score area to enroll in other college courses.

  • Be eligible to satisfy requirements for graduation from high school (including curricular requirements for college admission) no later than the Spring of the Senior year, as stated by the high school principal or counselor.

  • Have a workload of no more than the equivalent of 19 semester credit hours in a regular semester (1/2 high school unit equals 3 college semester credit hours). Concurrent students desiring to enroll in more than 19 hours must obtain the approval of the VP for Academic Affairs or the Executive Director of Enrollment Services on the Concurrent Overload Petition Form. Approval to exceed the 19 hours will be based on an evaluation of the student’s academic performance and potential for success.

  • Have the signed approval of the high school principal or counselor and the signed permission of the parent/legal guardian.

  • Must have a minimum college GPA of 2.0. on a 4.0 scale.

Concurrently admitted high school students will not be allowed to enroll in any zero level transitional courses offered by MSC designed to remove high school deficiencies. Concurrent students who meet admission requirements but who do not meet subscore ACT requirements for placement in particular courses may take the Accuplacer Test at the MSC or Ardmore Testing Centers to determine eligibility for placement. The ACT or Accuplacer Test must have been taken within the last three years and the Accuplacer may only be utilized once per semester by concurrent students for placement in courses.

Students enrolled concurrently are not eligible for financial aid.

Following high school graduation, a student who has been concurrently enrolled as a high school student may be admitted to Murray State College if the student meets the entrance requirements. Concurrent students must reapply for admission as a regular student and supply all required admission documents including the results of the National ACT.

International Students

Students who need an I-20 issued in order to obtain a Visa to enter the United States must submit the following:

  • A completed Application for Admission.

  • Verification of Financial Support. The MSC Financial Guarantee Form is available on the Registration webpage.

  • An official TOEFL score report or other eligible documentation. On the TOEFL, a score of 500 or higher is required on the paper-based test, 173 or higher on the computer-based test, or 61 or higher on the internet-based test. Please refer to the Admission of Students for whom English is a Second Language for more information.

  • A high school transcript with graduation date or a document verifying completion of GED. Documents must be translated in English.

  • If no previous college, National ACT or SAT scores if student is under 21 years of age. The test must have been taken within the last three years.

  • ACCUPLACER test scores for students who did not score 19 or higher in the National ACT sub-score areas or who did not participate in the National ACT or SAT. The ACCUPLACER is a standardized assessment administered on campus or at the University Center of Southern Oklahoma (UCSO). The test must have been taken within the last three years. Refer to the MSC Testing Centers for more information.

  • Documentation of vaccinations against Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR).

  • If applicable, an official transcript (translated in English) from every previous college attended. You are required by state law to indicate all the universities you attended on the application for admission and to submit official, translated transcripts from each university.

  • Evaluation of college transcripts must be approved by an approved credential evaluation institution such as WES or ECE. Evaluations of transfer work from an international institution cannot be finalized until successful completion of at least 12 MSC credit hours. Refer to the Transfer and Prior Learning Assessment Policies for more information.

Please contact the Admission and Registrar’s Office for more information regarding admission for International students.

Special Adult Admission

Students who meet the following criteria are eligible for admittance under the Special Adult Admission policy:

  • Students 21 years of age and older.

  • Students on active military duty.

  • Non-high school graduates whose high school class has graduated and who have participated in the ACT or SAT. The test scores must be within three years. The Registrar may allow exceptions for students with a GED whose high school class has not graduated. Refer to the Special Opportunity Admission section for more information.

Students admitted by the Special Adult Admission policy must agree to the following:

  • Participate in standardized testing for assessment of their ability.

  • Be enrolled in course work appropriate to their abilities as determined through assessments.

  • Participate in all academic support services (tutorial, media, writing lab, etc.) indicated as necessary by assessment and advisement.

  • Participate in regularly scheduled advisement sessions with an academic advisor.

Special Opportunity Admission

Any students who have not graduated from high school but have earned a composite ACT score of 32 or combined verbal and Mathematics SAT score of 1410 may apply for special opportunity admission.

Admissibility for students who have obtained a GED but whose high school graduating class has not graduated will be based on test scores, evaluation of the student’s level of maturity and ability to function in the adult college environment and whether the experience will be in the best interest of the student both intellectually and socially.

Students admitted by the special opportunity admission policy may be required to participate in regularly scheduled advisement sessions with an academic advisor.

Home Study or Unaccredited High Schools

An individual who is a graduate of private, parochial or other non-public high school that is not accredited by a recognized accrediting agency is eligible for admission to an institution as follows:

  • Student has participated in the National ACT or SAT.

  • Student’s high school class of peers has graduated.

  • Student must satisfy the high school curricular requirements.

Murray State College considers a homeschooled student to be beyond the age of compulsory school attendance. The college relies on a homeschooled student’s self-certification that he or she completed secondary school in a homeschool setting. Homeschooled students are eligible to receive funds if their secondary school education was in a homeschool that state law treats as a home or private school. Some states issue a secondary school completion credential to homeschoolers. If this is the case in the state where the student was homeschooled, he/she must obtain this credential in order to be eligible for funds. Murray State College will follow the policies for the state the student received their home school education.

Non-Degree Seeking Students

Any student who wishes to enroll in courses without intending to pursue a degree at Murray State College may be permitted to enroll in up to nine credit hours without submitting academic credentials except to show appropriate proficiency in certain courses. Once a student has successfully completed nine hours and desires to continue enrollment, he or she must meet the formal admission or transfer criteria. Exceptions may be evaluated and granted on an individual basis and will be reported annually to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

Application Requirements

Students are responsible for submitting to the Admissions Office the appropriate documents listed below:

  • A completed Application for Admission ( There is a $10 admission fee. International students must pay a $50 admission fee. These fees are non-refundable.

  • An official high school transcript with graduation date or a document verifying completion of GED or its equivalent. (Note: To be admissible with GED, the student’s high school class must have graduated). The Registrar may make an exception to the policy requiring that the high school class must have graduated if the Registrar determines that the student is capable of succeeding in college. Murray State College no longer admits students under the Ability to Benefit criteria.

  • National ACT (American College Test) or SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) scores if student is under 21 years of age. The ACT/SAT test must have been taken within the last three years. The residual ACT and Pre-Act may not be used to meet admission requirements for regular students but may be used for concurrent high school students. Regularly admitted students under 21 years of age are required to submit the results of the National ACT.

  • ACCUPLACER test scores are required for course placement for students who did not score 19 or higher on the ACT or an equivalent score on the SAT. The ACCUPLACER is a standardized assessment administered on the Tishomingo or Ardmore campuses. The Accuplacer test must have been taken within the last three years. Contact our Testing Centers for more information.

  • Official transcripts (school and military) from all colleges previously attended. Transcripts from other institutions must be current and must be obtained directly from the institution where they were originally issued. Murray State College must receive the official transcripts directly from the previous college. Official transcripts will only be accepted from the student if the transcript is in a sealed envelope from the prior institution.

  • Documentation of vaccinations against Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR).

After the Admission and Registrar’s office receives the on-line application for admission, students will receive notification of admission status. Students may be provisionally admitted for the first semester at MSC without providing all of the application documents. However, they must be submitted by the end of the first semester of enrollment. First time entering students who did not complete high school or GED may be admissible under the Special Adult Admission criteria.

Students pursuing admission to Associate in Arts (AA), Associate in Science (AS) or Associate in Applied Science (AAS) degree programs, may not count transitional/remedial courses used to make up high school deficiencies toward satisfaction of degree program requirements.

High School Curricular Requirements

Applicable to students under 21 years of age. The Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education requires the following high school curriculum:

  • 4 UNITS --English (grammar, composition, literature; should include an integrated writing component)

  • 3 UNITS--Mathematics (from algebra I, algebra II, geometry, trigonometry, math analysis, pre-calculus statistics and probability (must have completed geometry and algebra II) calculus, Advanced Placement Statistics)

  • 3 UNITS--Lab Science (Biology, chemistry, physics or any lab science certified by the school district; General Science with or without a lab may not be used to meet this requirement)

  • 2 UNITS--Additional units of subjects previously listed or selected from: computer science, foreign language, any Advanced Placement course, psychology, sociology, or any liberal arts and sciences course (as defined in the Undergraduate Degree Requirements in the OSRHE policy) taken via concurrent enrollment at a State System institution that is not being utilized to fulfill any area previously listed.

In addition ot the above requirements, the following subjects are recommended for college preparation:

  • 2 ADDITIONAL UNITS--Fine arts - music, art, drama, and speech

  • 1 ADDITIONAL UNIT--Lab science (as described above)

  • 1 ADDITIONAL UNIT--Mathematics (as described above)

  • 4 Recommended Units

Students under 21 years of age and lacking curricular requirements are admissible into Associate in Arts and Associate in Science programs, but must remove the deficiencies by one of the following:

  • Demonstrated competency through the National ACT or secondary assessment. Murray State College uses the Accuplacer test for secondary assessment. These tests must have been taken within the last three years.

  • Successful completion of transitional courses (0-level courses) within the first 24 credit hours attempted. Students who are not successful in removing deficiencies within the first 24 credit hours attempted need academic advisor approval to continue taking courses. Reasons for the exception to remediation policy are annually submitted to the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.

These requirements are also applicable to students in Associate in Applied Science programs with the provision that if collegiate level work in a particular discipline is not required in the degree program, the student is exempt from removing the high school curricular requirement deficiency. Students admitted to AAS programs may not transfer into AA or AS programs without first completing the high school curricular deficiencies.

Entry Level Assessment and Placement

Individual National ACT sub-scores in English, Math and Science must be 19 or higher in order for students to be eligible to take college level courses in those areas. The Reading National ACT sub-score must be 19 or higher to take college level courses in other areas. Results of the Residual ACT or Pre-ACT may be used only to admit and enroll concurrent high school students.

Students scoring less than 19 in the above National ACT sub-score areas may take a secondary test (the ACCUPLACER) to demonstrate readiness for college level courses. Students who score less than the minimum cut score on the ACCUPLACER will be required to successfully complete zero level courses to remediate skill deficiencies within the first 24 credit hours attempted.

The ACT/SAT or Accuplacer results must be within three years.

Academic Standing

A retention grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.00 is required for graduation from Murray State College. A student who fails to meet the following requirements will be placed on academic probation:

Hours Attempted: 0-29
Retention GPA: 1.7

Hours Attempted: Greater than 29
Retention GPA: 2.0

Students with 29 or fewer credit hours, with a retention GPA of 1.7 to less than 2.0 will be placed on academic notice.

Any student not maintaining satisfactory progress toward their academic objective as indicated above will be placed on probation for one semester. At the end of that probationary semester, the student must have a semester retention GPA of 2.0, not to include activity or performance courses or meet the minimum retention GPA standard required above, in order to continue as a student. Students not meeting either of these criteria will be immediately suspended and may not be readmitted until one regular semester (Fall or Spring) has elapsed.

Students suspended in the Spring semester may attend the Summer session immediately following Spring suspension at the discretion of the Admission Appeals Committee. Such students may enroll only in core academic courses, which meet general education requirements or degree requirements. Students who fail to achieve retention standards after the appealed Summer session will remain on suspension with the phrase “suspension continued” entered on the transcript and may not be readmitted until one regular semester (Fall or Spring) has elapsed. This option is only eligible for first-time suspension students.

A student may appeal academic suspension for immediate reinstatement to the Admissions and Appeals Committee by submitting a written request to the Admissions and Registrar Office. The written appeal must document extraordinary personal circumstances. Students whose appeals are denied and other suspended students may, after one regular semester (Fall or Spring), petition the Admissions Appeals Committee for readmission on probation. Students readmitted on academic probation must maintain a 2.0 retention GPA each semester or meet the minimum standard required as listed or be suspended again.

Should a reinstated student be suspended a second time, he/she cannot return to MSC until such time as he/she has demonstrated, by attending another institution and completing a minimum of 12 collegiate hours, the ability to succeed academically by raising his/her retention GPA to the retention standards.

Transfer Students Academic Standing

Any acceptances of admission for students who have been placed on academic probation or academic suspension, either at MSC or another college or university are re-admitted on academic probation. Students admitted on academic probation must meet the minimum retention requirement or be academically suspended.

This minimum requirement is either

  • the next semester’s retention GPA of 2.0 or

  • 1.7 retention GPA with 0-29 hours attempted or

  • 2.0 retention GPA with 30 or more hours attempted.

Students admitted on academic probation must meet the minimum retention requirement or be academically suspended.

Immunization Compliance Requirements

All students who enroll as a full-time or part-time student in an Oklahoma public or private post-secondary institution must provide documentation of vaccinations against Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR). (Law requires verification of vaccinations.)

Oklahoma Statute, Title 3244, permits exemption if:

  • the vaccine is contraindicated and a licensed physician provides a signed written statement of verification or

  • if the student or minor student’s parent or other legal representative signs a written waiver stating the administration of the vaccine is in conflict with the student’s moral or religious tenets.

An exemption form may be obtained in the Admission and Registrar’s Office.

Other Admission Information

Murray State College takes into consideration the following nonacademic criteria in admitting first-time or transfer students:

  • Whether applicants have been expelled, suspended, denied admission or re-admission by any other college or university.

  • Whether applicants have been convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor involving violence or drug abuse (see Criminal Activity Disclosure).

MSC reserves the right to refuse admission or re-admission to any applicant who does not comply with admissions requirements or when evidence exists that the applicant would be incompatible with the aims and objectives of the College or when in the judgment of the MSC Officials, the applicant’s presence on campus would not be in the best interest of the applicant or MSC. Applicants who are denied admission may make a written appeal to the Admissions and Appeal Committee by submitting a letter of appeal with documentation (if applicable) to the Registrar Office.

Criminal Activity Disclosure

Murray State College is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all members of the College community. As part of this commitment, MSC requires applicants who have been convicted of a felony or who have engaged in behavior that has resulted in injury to person(s) or personal property to disclose this information as a mandatory step in the application process. Previous conduct or record of a previous conviction does not automatically bar admission to MSC, but does require review.

Complete disclosure must be made at the time of application for admission. Failure to disclose convictions and/or previous conduct can result in denial for admissions. Information to be submitted should include a brief explanation, location (city-state-country) of conviction or previous conduct, dates and court disposition. Written documentation should be presented to the Registrar’s Office. This statement must also include a grant of permission to Murray State College for complete access to any criminal records. A $30 fee is assessed to cover the cost of the background check.

Violent and sexual convictions or previous conduct are automatically sent for committee review. If the Review Committee denies admission, the student may appeal to the Admissions and Appeal Committee by submitting a written appeal with applicable documentation to the Registrar’s Office.

Admission of Students for Whom English is a Second Language

Students seeking enrollment at MSC must meet admission and retention standards and must present evidence of proficiency in the English language prior to admission, either as first-time students or by transfer from another college or university. The intent of this policy is to ensure that students have a reasonable chance of success based on their ability to comprehend, read and write the English language.

Students must demonstrate their competency in English by meeting one of the standards detailed below:

  • First-Time Undergraduate Students

    • Score 500 or higher paper-based or 173 or higher computer-based or 61 or higher internet-based on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or score 5.5 or higher on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) examination.

    • Score 460 or higher paper-based or 140 or higher computer-based or 48 or higher internet-based on the TOEFL test administered at a special testing center or an international testing center or score 5.0 or higher on the IELTS Examination. In addition, after achieving the required score and immediately prior to admission, students must successfully complete a minimum of 12 weeks of study at an Intensive English Program approved by the State Regents. At least two-thirds of the 12 weeks must be instruction at an advanced level.

    • Successfully complete the high school core requirements in or graduate from a high school where English is the primary language and demonstrate competency by meeting the High School Curricular Requirements.

    • Undergraduate Transfer Students

      • Attend an accredited United States college or university for a minimum of 24 semester credit hours with passing grades and meeting the other transfer requirements.

Specific Program Admissions

Please note that admission to Murray State College does not guarantee admission to the following specific programs:

  • Gunsmithing

  • Nursing

  • Occupational Therapy Assistant

  • Physical Therapist Assistant

  • Veterinary Technology

These programs have a separate application process with additional admission criteria. Refer to the MSC Catalog or our website for more information on these programs.

Oklahoma Residency Information

Under policy by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education, a resident of Oklahoma is defined as one who has continuously lived in Oklahoma for at least 12 months as a permanent resident and not primarily as a student. The legal residence of a dependent person is the residence of the parent who has legal custody, the parent with whom the student habitually resides or the legal guardian.

Students may be classified as in-state if:

  • Individuals and their dependents who can document full-time active military duty of more than 30 days and are stationed in Oklahoma.

  • Dependent children or spouse of a full-time active duty military (longer than thirty days) is classified as in-state if Oklahoma is the home of record regardless of where the active duty military is currently stationed.

  • Students eligible for Veterans Educational benefits who reside in Oklahoma and intend to establish residence in the state are eligible to be classified as in-state if they are on active duty military service more than 30 days or are the dependent of an active duty military.

  • Students receiving Veterans Educational Benefits who reside in Oklahoma and intend to establish residence in Oklahoma are eligible to be classified as in-state if they served as active duty more than 90 days.

  • Have lived as a resident of Oklahoma for more than 12 months for purposes other than as a student.

  • A U.S. citizen or Lawful Permanent Resident who provides evidence of having come to Oklahoma to practice a profession on a full-time basis, conduct a business full time, or work on a full-time basis shall be immediately classified as in-state status along with the individual’s spouse and dependents without the 12-month domiciliary requirement so long as they continue in such full-time employment capacity or until such time that they independently establish in-state status.

  • A non-resident who marries an already established resident of Oklahoma with documentation of marriage and proof of domicile.

Any student presenting a transcript of credit from a high school, college, university or other educational institution outside the State of Oklahoma will be assumed to be a non-resident student. Continuous and long-term attendance at a university or college does not establish in-state status.

Documented foreign nationals may attend as postsecondary students if they have appropriate educational visas. These individuals are eligible for in-state classification if they become lawful permanent residents, have resided in Oklahoma for at least 12 consecutive months, and meet domicile requirements.

Undocumented Students are individuals who cannot present to the institution valid documentation of United States nationality or an immigration status permitting study at a postsecondary institution but who:

  • Graduated from a public or private Oklahoma high school.

  • Resided in this state with a parent or legal guardian while attending classes at an Oklahoma public or private high school in this state for at least two (2) years prior to graduation.

  • Satisfies admission standards for the institution.

Individuals who meet the above requirements are eligible for enrollment and will be classified as non-residents. Undocumented students should contact the Registrar for more information.

The burden of proof to establish in-state status shall be upon the student. Since residence or domicile is a matter of intent, each case will be judged on its own merit by the MSC Registrar. For more information on residency status or to obtain the form to challenge residency status, contact the MSC Admissions and Registrar Office.

Prior Learning Assessment (PLA)

Prior Learning Assessment is defined as learning that is attained outside the sponsorship of legally authorized and accredited postsecondary institutions. It applies to learning acquired from work and life experiences, independent reading and study, the mass media and participation in formal courses sponsored by associations, businesses, government, industries, the military and unions.

Murray State College’s content specialists (which may include the Registrar, Program Chairs, Division Chairs, etc.) will evaluate a student’s previous learning experiences and award credit when deemed applicable to the MSC degree. Some examples of prior learning are institutional approval of industry certifications for courses taken at technology centers through a Prior Learning Agreement, standardized national tests such as the subject portion of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP), Advanced Placement Program (AP), and military experience.

To receive PLA credit, students should contact the MSC Registrar & Admissions Office to begin the process. The following will apply:

  • Students must be eligible to enroll or re-enroll at Murray State College.

  • Students must have submitted all official college transcripts (school and military) to the MSC Registrar & Admissions Office.

  • Students must submit all required documentation needed to assess prior learning. The evaluation process may take several weeks and will be evaluated on a course by course basis.

  • Students must successfully complete 12 or more semester hours at MSC before PLA credits will be placed on the MSC transcript. The hours at Murray State College must be regular courses – may not include transitional, activity, and other courses not for college credit. If the student does not have 12 MSC hours completed at the time PLA credits are evaluated, the student must notify the MSC Registrar Office upon completion of the 12 hours.

  • Murray State College will only award credit for coursework that falls under the student’s selected major at Murray State College. Prior learning credit will only be awarded in those academic disciplines and in courses in the college’s approved curriculum. Credits from prior learning may be awarded up to a maximum of 25 percent of the degree program which is typically 15 credit hours.

  • Students will be assessed a supplemental off campus fee up to $125 per credit hour to cover the cost of evaluating and transcribing PLA credits. Credits awarded through PLA Agreements, military experience, CLEP, and AP will generally be assessed at $10 per credit hour plus the cost of any exams. Evaluations of portfolios and other types of prior learning may require more time and cost to evaluate. Fees must be paid to the MSC Business Office prior to the evaluation of the credits.

  • After determining the amount of PLA credit that can be awarded, PLA credits will be placed on the MSC transcript with the neutral grade of pass (P). PLA credits may not be put on the transcript with letter grades.

Murray State College will evaluate prior learning credits on a course by course basis. The following publications and methods are acceptable for validating prior learning credits:

  • American Council on Education (ACE) Guide to Evaluation of Education Experiences in the Armed Forces

  • ACE National Guide to Educational Credit for Training Programs

  • ACE Guide to Credit by Examinations

  • New York Regents Credit Recommendations: The Directory of the National Program on Non-collegiate Sponsored Instruction (PONSI)

  • College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program (CEEB/AP)

  • Degree-relevant prior learning credit awarded and transcripted by other accredited institutions, as well as credit transcripted by ACE on the Army/ACE Registry Transcript System (AARTS) and the Registry of Credit Recommendations (ROCR). Approved state and national certifications with minimum pass scores as outlined in approved Prior Learning Agreements such as our Medical Office Assistant Agreement with SOTC and our Nursing Career Mobility Pathway (Licensed Paramedics, LPNS, LVNS to RN)

  • Individual portfolios using Council for Adult and Experimental Learning (CAEL) or other standardized guidelines

  • “Higher Level” courses in the International Baccalaureate program

  • Institutionally prepared examination

  • Other publications as recommended by the American Council on Education

CLEP Exams

Murray State College will award credit for CLEP (College Level Examination Program) exams taken at a national testing center (refer to the table below). Southeastern Oklahoma State University is the national CLEP center for southern Oklahoma. Students are responsible for arranging for a test date. For more information, students can contact the Southeastern OSU testing center at 580-745-3022.

CLEP Course Equivalencies
Subject Examination MSC Course Equivalence Minimum Score Number of Credit Hours
Calculus with Elem Functions MTH2215 61 5
College Algebra MTH1513 52 3
College Mathematics MTH1413 55 3
College Spanish I SPA1114 & SPA1214 55 8
English Comp with Essay ENG1113 50 3
Financial Accounting ACC2103 55 3
General Biology BIO1114, ZOO1114 or BOT1114 60 4
General Chemistry CHM1114 & CHM1214 50 8
Intro Psychology PSY1113 50 3
Intro Sociology SOC1113 50 3
Principles of Macroeconomics ECO2113 50 3
Principles of Microeconomics ECO2123 50 3

Credit for Advanced Placement

As listed in the table below, Murray State College will award credit for the Advanced Placement (AP) program for high school students. Advanced Placement courses allow students to take college-level course work in high school and receive credit from Oklahoma state colleges and universities. For more information on Advanced Placement, visit the College Board website.

AP Course Equivalencies
Subject Examination MSC Course Equivalence Minimum Score Number of Credit Hours
Art History ART1113 3 3
Biology BIO1114 3 4
Calculus AB MTH2215 3 5
Calculus BC MTH2315 3 5
Calculus BC MTH2215 & MTH2315 4 10
Chemistry CHM1114 3 4
Computer Science A CS1313 3 3
English Language ENG1113 3 3
English Literature ENG1213 3 3
English Literature ENG1113 & ENG1213 4 6
Government & Politics-US GVT1113 3 3
Human Geography GEO2443 3 3
Macroeconomics ECO2113 3 3
Microeconomics ECO2123 3 3
Music Theory MU1202 3 2
Physics B PHY1114 & PHY1214 3 8
Physics C – Electrical & Magnetism PSY1214 3 4
Physics C – Mechanics PHY1114 3 4
Psychology PSY1113 3 3
Spanish Language SPA1114 & SPA1214 3 8
Studio Art 2-D Design ART1123 3 3
Studio Art 3-D Design ART1133 3 3
Studio Art Drawing ART1213 3 3
US History HST1483 & HST1493 3 6
World History HST 1423 & HST1433 4 6

Military Transcripts and Transferring Credits for VA

Murray State College provides academic credit to a military veteran, who was honorably discharged in the previous three (3) years for any applicable education, training and experience received through military duty that pertains to his or her area of study with MSC. Courses must meet the standards of the American Council on Education or equivalent standards.

Students transferring to Murray State College are required to submit official transcripts (institutional and military) from all colleges previously attended.

A military transcript transfer guide will assist the veterans in understanding the process of transferring military training and experience into college credit. This guide provides information about transfer policies and issues, in order to help students better navigate the process of transferring military training and experience into college credit.

The following websites provide information on how to validate a Service Member’s military experience and training by providing corresponding ACE college credit recommendations: