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Social Media Directory

Murray State College Social Media Directory

Murray State College encourages its various departments, athletics teams, and various student groups to keep in touch with their constituencies and interact with the college through social-media channels including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Pinterest. Share your photos with us by tagging them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with #mscok.

If you have suggestions you'd like to pass along to Murray State Colleges' social media coordinator, including any MSC related accounts that we're missing, you can reach us at You can also view MSC Social Media Policy (PDF).

Official Murray State College Social Media Channels

In addition to the main college accounts, many Murray State College departments, offices, and student clubs maintain their own social-media accounts with a specific focus on their respective areas. They include:

MSC Ardmore and MSC Offices

Murray State College in Ardmore


Student Life

Student Support Services


MSC Alumni

 Business Office

Financial Aid Office

Murray on Main

Student Affairs


Academic Departments

Business Management

Child Development


Medical Office Assistant Program

Nursing Program

Occupational Therapy Assistant Program

Physical Therapist Assistant Program

Veterinary Nursing



Murray State College Athletics



Men's Basketball

Women's Basketball

Women's Soccer

Men's Soccer


Student Groups

President's Scholars Program

Phi Beta Lambda

Phi Theta Kappa

 Student Government Association