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Welcome to the Academic Resource Center's (ARC)

Career Success Center

ARC Hours of Operation

Monday - Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 4 - 8 p.m.

Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. - noon

If you need to specifically speak with Brooklyn, her hours are the same as the Ardmore hours. You can also schedule an appointment: or call 580-319-0342.

The ARC is developing and gathering resources to ensure that MSC students have everything that they need to make well-informed decisions as they begin or continue their professional lives.

Services currently offered include:

  • Administering and Interpreting Career Interests Surveys with Pathway U.
  • Exploring Career Opportunities, Job Descriptions and Education Requirements with Pathway U.
  • Designing Individualized Career Pathways.
  • Help finding part- or full-time employment.
  • Reviewing Application Skills, including:
    • Writing Resumes and Cover Letters
    • Preparing for Interviews

If you're interested in receiving some extra resources or if you're not sure where to begin your career search, come meet with us in the ARC! 

Online Resources

If you're looking for specific resources, feel free to browse the following online resources:

Pathway U is a free service offered to MSC students designed to help you easily navigate the process of choosing a major, exploring career options and linking directly to current job openings in the area.

Wages, employment trends, skills needed and more for any occupation

Wage and Employment Statistics for the State of Oklahoma

Job Descriptions and Education Requirements

Free Resume/Cover Letter Builders

Interview Tips

Practice Interview Questions

Current Job Opportunities in the MSC Service Area

Looking for a job? Click on the link below in the area in which you a hoping to find a job opportunity:

Link to all jobs:

(Ada, Ardmore, Atoka, Big Five, Coalgate, Davis/Sulphur, Durant, Marietta, Pauls Valley and Tishomingo/Madill)

For Employers

Are you an employer looking to have a job opportunity advertised to Murray State College students? Please contact Brooklyn Luelf at 580-319-0342.