Faculty Resources
Other Resources
To find out how a screen reader would interpret your course content, type a URL into one of the online accessibility tools listed here: W3C Accessibility Tools List and Usability Geek - 10 Free Accessibility Tools
Need Technology Assistance?
For the subject/title, please identify the exact problem; in the description area, include as much detail as possible to help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible. Please include your name and an email address and/or phone number where we can reach you.
You can also check the status of previous requests as well as log new ones or look at solutions to previous requests.
Or Call Distance Learning at (580) 387-7113; or the Information Technology Department at (580) 387-7160
Employee Computer Accounts
To receive a MSC computer account you first must read and agree to the MSC Acceptable Usage Policy (PDF).
Print out and sign this sheet and deliver it to the I.T. Department.
Each employee has access to their departmental folder on Common and their Home Directory.
Common is located under My Computer, Common on Enterprise or M:\.
Home Directories are located under My Computer, username on Enterprise or N:\.
MSC recommends that ALL files of importance are stored in/on one of these two networked directories.
Both Common and Home Directories are backed up nightly with four weeks of archives stored in a safety deposit box.
Please Note: The remote access software (VPN program) has been discontinued while we work towards a more secure method.
Resource Documents
MSC Online Course Development and Review Checklists.docx
Entering Grades in Campus Connect.docx
Blackboard - Working with Course Content (PDF)
Blackboard - Creating Accessible Course Content (PDF)
Blackboard - Working with Course Modules (PDF)
Blackboard - Creating Assignments (PDF)
Blackboard - Using the Grade Center (PDF)
BB - Change the Page Banner.docx
BB - Manage Your Course List.docx
BB - Creating a Total Column.docx
Blackboard - Export or Import a Course.docx
Blackboard - Copy a Course, or Copy Items Between Courses.docx