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General Education Assessment

Mission: The General Education Task Force Provides Opportunities for Student Learning, Personal Growth, Professional Success, and Community Enhancement by creating a comprehensive General Education program that responds to the changing educational and intellectual realities of an increasingly global world.

More specifically, the Task Force:

  • defines the role of a new General Education program within the mission, vision, values, and goals of Murray State College

  • takes a holistic view of the General Education Program, focusing on its underlying philosophy, intellectual purposes, and educational mission

  • evaluates the General Education Goals and make suggestions for curricular, co-curricular changes in order to help meet course, program, and institutional goals.

  • evaluates assessment results as they apply to general education

  • identifies measurements and assistant faculty and staff with measuring and reporting assessment of student learning in general education

  • ensures the general education curriculum encompasses all seven of the institution’s General Education Goals.

Murray State College General Education Goals

  1. Effective Communication - MSC provides students with the educational opportunities necessary to develop effective communication skills essential for daily interaction in society and the workplace.

  2. Responsible Citizenship - MSC provides an educational environment in which students demonstrate an awareness of social and civic responsibilities.

  3. Global Awareness - MSC provides students with educational opportunities to learn about cultural diversity and global awareness through curricular and extracurricular activities including lectures, music, literature, film, and art.

  4. Critical Thinking - MSC provides educational opportunities in which students demonstrate problem-solving and critical thinking skills necessary for personal and professional success.

  5. Quantitative Reasoning - MSC provides educational opportunities for students to collect and use quantitative data, create and examine quantitative models, apply mathematical skills and solve scientific problems.

  6. Information & Technology Literacy - MSC provides students with educational opportunities necessary to demonstrate and apply information literacy skills and utilize technological resources necessary for personal and professional success.

  7. Health and Wellness - MSC provides students with educational opportunities which will encourage self-management skills, foster a healthy lifestyle, and provide personal enrichment.