Consumer Information
This web portal provides a single access point to all reports and disclosures mandated by The Higher Education Act of 1965 (HEA), as amended by the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) which requires consistent disclosure of certain institutional characteristics and reporting requirements to prospective and current students, staff and the general public. The content of this page is based on the "National Postsecondary Education Cooperative. (2009). Information Required to Be Disclosed Under the Higher Education Act of 1965: Suggestions for Dissemination (Updated) (NPEC 2010-831v2)", prepared by Carol Fuller and Carlo Salerno, Coffey Consulting. Washington, DC.
It is designed to provide students with information from a variety of sources on campus to allow students, parents, counselors, and others to make informed decisions about enrollment at Murray State College. While information provided in the required disclosures is helpful, it is not comprehensive and other factors may influence a decision to enroll.
For further information, please contact:
Murray State College
One Murray Campus
Tishomingo, OK 73460
MSC Important Phone Numbers:
580-387-7000 (Main Number)
580-387-7230 (Admissions & Registrar)
580-387-7210 (Business Office)
580-387-7220 (Financial Aid)
Accreditation, Student Outcomes, and Achievement
Murray State College is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. Some programs are also accredited and/or approved by other agencies. Accreditation information can be found on the Murray State College Accreditation Page.
Retention Rates
Retention Rates for First-Time Students: 59% for Full-time students and 44% for Part-time students. (IPEDS for Fall 2020 to Fall 2021)
Graduation and Transfer Rates
Overall Graduation Rates: The overall graduation rate for first-time students in the Fall of 2020 is 27%. 10% transfer out to another college.
Graduation Rates by Race and Gender: Male 25% Female 29% American Indian 30% Asian 0% Black 0% Hispanic 30% White 26% Two or More 34% Non-Res 24%
Student Outcomes
Job Placement Rates for Graduates and Licensure Test Pass Rates:
Diversity of Enrollment
In the Fall of 2021, enrollment of all full-time undergraduate students in credit programs was 2,133. Of these 68% were female and 32% were male. 5% were American Indian/Alaska Native, 1% were Asian/Pacific Islander, 2% were Black, 11% were Hispanic, 55% were White, 24% were two or more races, and 2% were Non-Resident Alien.
Health and Safety
Alcohol Awareness (PDF)
Annual Security Report (Clery Report) (PDF)
Biennial Review of the MSC Drug and Alcohol Policy (PDF)
Daily Crime and Fire Log (.xlsx)
Domestic Violence and Substance Abuse Help (PDF)
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention Program (PDF)
Emergency Notification Procedure (PDF)
Emergency Operations Plan (PDF)
Fire Drill Log (.docx)
Fire Safety Report (PDF)
Notice of Non-Discrimination and Title IX-Sexual Misconduct (PDF)
Vaccination Policies (PDF)
Water Quality Reports:
2021 Lead/Copper Notices
TOC Notice 2019.pdf
Drinking Water Qualitiy Information-2017.pdf
HAA Notice 2016.pdf
CCR 2015.pdf
HAA5 NOV 2015.pdf
CCR 2014.pdf
CCR 2013.pdf
CCR 2012.pdf
CCR 2011.pdf
Student Financial Assistance
Assistance Available From Federal, State, Local, and Institutional Programs
Federal Student Financial Aid Penalties for Drug Law Violations (PDF)
Student Loan Information
Initial Loan Counseling or Exit Counseling for Student Borrowers
Institutional Code of Conduct for Education Loans (PDF)
National Student Loan Data System
Private Lender List Arrangements
Notice of Availability of Institutional and Financial Aid Information
Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information
Sample Loan Repayment Schedule
Federal Work Study Eligibility Requirements
Apply for Financial Aid
Price of Attendance:
Net Price Calculator / Financial Aid Estimator
Refund Policy and Requirements for Withdrawal and Return of Federal Financial Aid
Equity in Athletics
Student Right-to-Know Act (PDF)
2023 Equity in Athletics Survey (PDF)
Academic Information
Educational Programs (PDF)
Faculty Credentials
Instructional Facilities (PDF)
Textbook Information
Transfer Policies (PDF)
General Institutional Information
Affirmative Housing Marketing Plan (PDF)
Free Speech
Expressive Speech Annual Report 2023
Expressive Speech Policy
There were no barriers to or incidents of disruption of free expression occurring on campus during this reporting period.
FERPA Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Privacy of Student Records-Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (PDF)
Facilities and Services for Students with Disabilities (PDF)
Copyright Infringement-Policies and Sanctions (PDF)
Computer Acceptable Use Policy (PDF)
Career and Job Placement Services
Compliance with Personally Identifiable Information
File Sharing Policy (PDF)
Social Media Guidelines (PDF)
Student and Public Concerns Reporting Information
Student Right-to-Know (PDF)
Text Alert System (PDF)
Required Information for Students and the Public (PDF)
Advertising and Recruitment Materials and Other Public Information (PDF)
Ethical Student Recruitment Policy
VEITA Contract (Aggie OneCard Student ID) (PDF)
Voter Registration (PDF)